Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Diva Dash 5k

My first ever organized run/race was the Diva Dash 5k in Fort Wayne, IN on June 15 2013.
My best friend found this race for us to do as both of our firsts.
At that time a 5k seemed like a really long race haha. I had only ever run further than that a few times, and only about a mile farther, so I was pretty nervous.  
The race was an all women race and there were about 175 participants.
I woke up that morning feeling awful and sick with a sinus infection. Ugh!
My goal had been under 30 minutes but with my ill feeling I ended up at 31:26. I was fine with that because I ran the best that I could the whole way despite feeling so sick, and it was a personal PR.
After the race they had pulled pork, oranges, water, granola bars and bananas for us. They also did some door prizes and then the other awards.
I really loved this race and had a great time!  I want to do it next year again for sure.  
I recently ran the Color Run, and I will do a post about that as well.  But for now here are some pictures from the Diva Dash!
The start

Yours truly!

After the finish (my BFF, her MIL, and me)